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When the Carrot Meets the Stick

When the Carrot Meets the Stick

As the industry develops its thinking on the Advice Guidance Boundary Review, “When The Carrot Meets The Stick” considers the consumer need and industry opportunity which this brings.

Supported by Just Group and Wealth Wizards, this white paper sizes the Advice Gap, considers the potential for targeted support, assesses the role which hybrid guidance and advice can play and shares learnings from live tests conducted with Boring Money readers.

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What is the “The Carrot and the Stick”?

As we move into 2025, whether a firm is motivated by the regulatory stick that is Consumer Duty or the commercial carrot that is Targeted Support and hybrid guidance and advice, the opportunity to better serve the 12.4 million adults in the Advice Gap is significant.

This white paper articulates and sizes the problem that is the Advice Gap, considers some potential solutions, and shares insights from current live propositions being used with consumers today, with the aim of stimulating debate and discussion, as well as sharing relevant proof points which we hope will further conversations and understanding, and provide interesting input to the ongoing consultations.

This whitepaper will:

Sources and methods

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