Sustainable Investing
Pushing on an open door
Our fourth annual report on Sustainable Investing
We’ve been tracking consumer attitudes to sustainable investing since 2018, measuring the growing appetite among retail investors and pension holders for their investments to consider factors beyond just performance.
This report tracks how sentiment has changed over time, but also what the issues of today are. Concern for the environment continues to be one of the main drivers for wanting to invest sustainably – people want to make a positive impact towards tackling climate change and avoiding companies that are harmful to the planet. However, communications around sustainable investing continue to fall short, with many investors saying it's difficult to know which funds are truly sustainable or ethical. And, as the sustainable fund universe grows, so do concerns about greenwashing.
This report will:
Inform platforms, asset managers, pension providers and banks how they can best meet client needs in terms of advice, products, and communications.
Explore the interest, attitudes and plans investors, pension holders and savers have with regards to sustainable investing.
Cover preferred investment approaches, views on exclusions and barriers to investing sustainably.
Research sources:
4,000 UK adults – about their preferred investment approach, views on exclusions, moving their workplace pension to a sustainable portfolio – a nationally representative view.
1,500 UK fund investors – to establish existing ownership levels, past activity and intentions for investing in sustainable and ethical funds, and barriers/concerns – more detailed insights from investors.
UK advisers – to draw comparisons with the consumer view, establish client appetite for sustainable, their confidence and needs – the adviser perspective.
A look at the report
Over 100 pages of consumer and adviser insights with the following chapters included:
Market backdrop: setting the scene
Investor appetite for sustainable investing
Motivations and expectations for investing sustainably
Building the ideal fund
Barriers to investing sustainably
Design and communications
Finding and selecting sustainable investments
Sustainable pensions - workplace engagement
Adviser capabilities and challenges